18 Ways To Tactfully Turn Down A Client Request

One of the hardest parts about running a business is telling a client “no.” When your business depends on every client who reaches out, turning down a request can sometimes lead to uncomfortable conversations and ruined business relationships.

While turning away opportunities often feels as if you’re making the wrong decision, knowing when and how to respectfully decline a client request is an important skill to cultivate as a leader. Here, 18 Forbes Business Council members discuss their own experiences with having to say “no” to a client. Read on to learn more about how to tactfully let clients while still preserving the relationship.

1. Be Upfront And Honest

For the first seven years of parenthood, I was home with my young sons on Mondays and Tuesdays. I had always been the “yes” guy but I had to tell clients “no” for those days. I did it by just being upfront and honest. Before any new client signed on, I shared that I would work hard for them throughout the week, but I couldn’t take meetings on Mondays and Tuesdays. I never had a complaint. – Gary RomanoCivitas Strategies

2. Clearly Communicate Your Boundaries

A customer relationship is no different than any other relationship because it is all about honesty. If you cannot accept a request, then you may need to say, “I would love to help you, but our organization can’t do that.” Then offer to help them find a partner who can. They came to you because they trust you to help them solve a problem. You can still be a trusted partner even when you say “no.” – Pieter FosselHydrosat

3. Share Alternative Options With Care

As a business book coach and publisher, I say “no” a great deal in the content structure and writing phases. When turning down a client request, share your reasoning and offer alternative options to work through the issue together. Providing clear reasons is a great way to reframe the denial and work toward a better outcome. Open, direct and fearless advice delivered with care is always appreciated. – Jaqui LaneThe Book Adviser

4. Explain Your Commitment To Integrity

At our medical spa, we embrace saying “no” when it comes to aesthetic procedures. Our industry is often driven by comparison. As professionals, it’s our ethical duty to decline requests that may not enhance client features. While it may seem unconventional, most of our clients appreciate our honesty and integrity in guiding them toward the best version of themselves. – Kristin GunnBeaux Medspa

5. Share Your Guiding Principles

In the strategy and design phase, my initial focus zeroes in on two crucial aspects: achievability and the user experience. These principles help me steer clear of compromises, which often result in disappointment and unmet expectations. True innovation shines when it leaves end users feeling thoroughly satisfied. Ignoring the broader context can hinder a project’s progress and increase risk. – Patrice Key-RhoneSocial Values Collective

6. Provide A Reason Based On Your Expertise

Saying “no” is usually necessary when their request conflicts with project goals or constraints. It’s important to explain the reasoning behind decisions, leverage your expertise and build trust. If a client’s request could result in missing timelines or project objectives, outlining potential risks and offering alternative solutions can maintain a collaborative and respectful relationship. – Nicolas SuscoElipseAgency

7. Explain The Potential Negative Impact

When a client’s request conflicts with ethical standards, legal or other regulatory requirements, you can redirect the conversation tactfully by acknowledging their perspective, explaining the request’s potential negative impact, offering alternative solutions and reaffirming your commitment to their success. The key is to build and maintain their trust in your decision making, integrity and professionalism. – Tava ScottT. Scott Consulting

8. Ask For Clarification

There is more than one type of no. Frequently, the instinct to say “no” arises when what might be needed is more exploration. Frame the refusal as an opportunity for them to tell you more or help you understand what they mean. This usually happens when requests are articulated broadly. If you can, do a closer examination of the request. Even if the outcome is still no, you build trust because you and the client got there together. – Valerie S. HartAnkura

9. Determine What The Client Actually Wants

First, figure out what your client really wants. If you have a good product that meets their needs, you’ll find common ground. This often happens as you work together, step by step, towards their goal. Make sure to clearly explain how your product can help them reach their goal while ultimately never using the word “no.” – Abraham GraziiFundCo

10. Advocate For Aligning With Industry Standards

It is extremely important to say “no” to a customer asking for their specific customization to be incorporated into a product. Provide alternative ways of delivering their request through reconfiguration or suggest tailoring their internal business processes to an industry standard. – Prasad SabbineniMetricStream

11. Offer Advice On What Should Be Done

Our company provides IT services to our clients. I don’t say “no” to my clients but in some cases, I do try to explain to them that some things shouldn’t be done. After that, it’s up to the clients. The only time I’ve refused was when the implementation could have hurt the client’s business. However, I still had to implement it on a small sample to prove my position. – Gennady FellerSafe Partner, Inc.

12. Push For Staying Within The Project Scope

Saying “no” may be necessary when a client requests a feature or service that’s outside the project scope or conflicts with the company’s values or resources. Tactfully decline by acknowledging their request, explaining the reasons clearly, offering alternative solutions and reinforcing your commitment to delivering the best possible outcome within the agreed-upon parameters. – Joel LiEV.com

13. Provide A Clear And Prompt Response

Our boardroom services division is frequently required to assess potential candidates for board directorships. As quickly as possible, we provide a candid, clear and concise statement when the answer is “no.” We then promptly transition to a discussion of other meaningful possibilities that we believe are more worthy of their exploration and more likely to yield exciting results for them. – Wendeen EolisEolis International Group

14. Remain Solution-Oriented

Being solution-oriented is imperative in client interactions. Rather than simply rejecting their requests, it’s important to provide alternative solutions or workarounds that accommodate their needs and constraints. This approach fosters clear communication and helps maintain a positive relationship with the client. – Karen HersonConcepts, Inc.

15. Focus On The Main Objective

It is imperative that we lead our clients with each request, especially since we are brought on for our expertise. I recommend handling these situations by asking questions to gain insight into their main goal. Then, use their answers to help them see a different perspective. As we dive deeper into their objective, I can recommend alternative and realistic solutions without compromising on quality, delivery, or ethics. – Bernadet AzizianValue Stream Engineering

16. Emphasize Your Specific Expertise

A typical reason I would say “no” to a client is because they are asking me to do something outside of my company’s expertise. In this scenario, tell your client that you don’t have the necessary expertise in that area and don’t want to take something on that could put their company or your company in jeopardy. This strategy shows them that even by refusing, you still have their best interests in mind. – Margaret GrazianoKeenAlignment

17. Express Your Desire To Stay In Your Niche

As a boutique service firm, we often have to say “no” to customers if they don’t have the kind of work we do or if they are not our ideal customers. We then try to introduce them to someone who can help them while politely turning down their money. This has been hard to explain to our sales team, but it’s a necessary strategy for building a niche in the market. Leaders must have a long-term vision to be able to make these tough decisions. – Kamran AdilCloudtech Inc.

18. Provide Thoughtful Explanations

In the commercial real estate investment industry, where we deal with multi-million dollar clients, a rapidly evolving business landscape, and difficult decisions every day, we say “no” frequently. Refusing a client empowers them and spurs free-flowing ideas that lead to well-thought-out solutions and client involvement in their own process. A “no” should always be followed by a thoughtful explanation of multidimensional considerations. – Can (Jon) TavsanogluCaldera Real Estate Ventures

19. Position The Rejection As What’s Best For Them

We’ve had companies ask us to help them raise prices across the board just because of inflation. If you use inflation as a weapon to raise prices, there will be backlash. We’ve turned down new clients because we knew these price tactics would erode trust between companies and customers. By positioning the “no” as what’s best for your client and their long-term profitability, the refusal is softened quite a bit. – Jeet MukherjeeHolden Advisors Corp

20. Remain Respectful But Firm

One situation where it might be necessary to say “no” to a client is when they request something that goes against your professional ethics or legal boundaries. To do it tactfully, be respectful and firm. Everyone appreciates a respectful answer, even if it’s a denial. Through this approach, you can effectively say “no” to a client’s request while preserving the relationship. – Janet ZhangBoston Easy Biotech Inc.

Forbes Business Council is an invitation-only, fee-based organization for successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.

By Patrice Rhone April 4, 2024